On a balmy evening in 1685 two Spanish sailors, Jose and Hose B
were on the starboard side of their ship moored just off the coast of
Mauritius, when one remarked to the other, "Do you remember the
dodo?" Four hundred years on two men, Will.i.am and Will.i.ain't, are
stood in a willow plantation in Herefordshire, that was once a green
meadow, when one remarks to the other, "Do you remember the cow?"
A fierce debate
currently rages on, not that 97% of the British nation have realised, about
whether or not to enter into an extensive badger cull. I say fierce, but then
there is very little ferocious debate that can be stirred up from woolly badger
lovers, just the added spice that the rent-a-mob activists will come and bash a
badger dissing farmer. The cull is in reference to the rising tuberculosis
levels in our nations cattle, which are critical from Carlisle to Carmarthan,
from Penzance to Perth, and the belief that the largest native carnivorous
mammal in the British Isles is to blame. Yes, dear old badger, agony uncle to
Fantastic Mr Fox and close aide to Bodger, is no more than a disease ridden
black and white pig. Off with his head! Or not? Unfortunately the subject is
far from black and white.
TB compensation
costs the British taxpayer over 20 million pounds a year, but money is
immaterial when you consider how many cattle are slaughtered to get to that
financial statistic. Fine, the animals are destined for the chop anyway, but
we'd surely rather see them on a plate than in a plume disappearing up an
incinerator chimney? The dairy industry, already on its knees and gagging in
the dust, is disintegrating into history. Tens and tens of reacting TB dairy
cattle are slaughtered out of hundred plus herds, to the point where the broken
farmer pockets the compensation, then eases it into another venture; anything
else just as long as it doesn't come with udders. Thirty years ago a drive
through Wiltshire and Somerset would have set the sight of hundreds of roadside
grazing Freisian cows full to the ears with milk. Go for a spin now and the
only daisies you will see are speckled throughout the crops stretching to the
Beef prices are
the highest they have been for twenty years, because the livestock numbers are
spiralling down as more and more cattle are shot and burned as TB reactors and
all the while those magpie faced mammals snuffle happily through the
undergrowth sending squirts of destruction in their wake. Off with his head! Or
All badgers
harbour TB, but only disturbed and stressed badgers become a danger of passing
it on. While cattle can soak it up like a sponge there is no direct threat to
humans, though of course if there was Billy badger would have gone the way of
the dodo sometime ago. My cattle at Llanevan have been 'clean' of TB since
2003, yet there are three active badger sets, a trail of nocturnal traffic
evidence and regular badger sightings. It is proof that both animals can live
happily ever after in the same environment without urinating on the each others
Theories abound
that it was the cows all along what started it guv'nor, that they infected the
badger and so the circle was set in motion, if this is the case then the corner
becomes far more acute. The irony is that if a badger cull was to take place,
the 97% wouldn't have a fiddler's guff that it had happened, because the beauty
of the badger is they are essentially nocturnal; only appearing in
daylight for the rare event of a Roald Dahl book to film Premiere. The only
clue of a black and white trim would be the absence of black and white hit and
runs on our country roads.
Poor old badger
helped save Fantastic Mr Fox and he still gets bad press for being a dirty
disease monger, despite the fact that they (along with the humble
pig) are the only mammal to employ an en suite bathroom in their
accommodation. Nobody, woolly, flat capped or uddered, wants to see the end of
old magpie cheeks and it is wrong to heap all the blame onto his broad
shoulders, but if nothing affirmative is done now, then in the near future we
won't be eating beef or drinking milk. Though at least we won't be able to
move for badgers.
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